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Weekly Photo Challenge: Inside

Inside my journey to find better health

For over a year I have really struggled with a myriad of symptoms that have progressively developed to the point of beginning to interfere with my life and living it to the fullest. Through seeking treatment from a doctor who practices functional medicine, I was able to identify some of the legitimate root problems: one of those factors being an allergy to gluten.

For many years, before one could find brown rice pasta and soy products in the grocery store, I was eating a very healthy diet that included a lot of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables and live sprouted grains. But in my move to TN and the financial struggles that have come along with it, some of those things have become somewhat scarce in my diet. I never eliminated gluten before but I was aware of it in my diet. But now… if I want to feel better (and believe me, I do! I’ve got some life to get on with!) then money and convenience will have to remain non-variables to eating well. Organic, clean, plentiful produce and gluten-free is the diet for me.

Last week, I found this new, super cute, wonderful whole foods grocer down at the square, Pa Bunk’s Natural Market & Cafe. They sell select items that would otherwise only be found in a Whole Foods type of market. The closest one to Murfreesboro is 45 minutes away. So this market is a blessing to this community and I hope it thrives. They have a small salad bar and carry a few of the more exotic varieties of organic produce. Their shelves are stocked with the best varieties of soups, pastas, grains, desserts, bulk ingredients…and on and on… I love this grocery store!! Personal service is just as much a part of their product as the products themselves.

Saturday I went to the farmer’s market on Main St. for the first time. It was small by comparison to those in Phoenix and Los Angeles, but the products were exceptional and it was heavily attended. I had a lot of fun buying heirloom tomatoes, unique summer squashes, local honey and this AMAZING strawberry jalapeno jam (Oh how I miss great spicy food!). Here’s a look inside the Main Street Saturday Market in Murfreesboro.

In the 10 days of being totally gluten-free, I feel SO MUCH better! It’s forced me to have to take the time to prepare meals, try new things and has allowed me so much more control over what I put in my body. I’m excited about the immediate benefits I am seeing after such a short time. And I am so thankful that my family is making these changes right alongside me. A look inside Friday night’s meal: Salmon BLT (minus the bacon) on almond rice bread with dill mayo, sauteed green beans and a fresh garden salad.


  1. A Table in the Sun

    I love your photos of the Farmer’s Market. You were so lucky to find a nearby organic food store. I have to travel 45 minutes to get to the closest one! Luckily, I don’t need to go often since I have a huge garden from which to prepare most meals.

    • Thanks! I would love to have my own garden with all kinds of different vegetables. For now, my little apartment container garden lets me have cherry tomatoes and herbs. But I’m thankful I have that!

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